Ashtanga Brighton refresh

Hello Brighton Ashtangis!

As some of you may have noticed over the weekend I’ve been working on updating the design on Ashtanga Brighton.

I’m fitting the redesign around my other projects so it’s work in progress and should be complete over the coming week or two.
Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestions.



2 Responses to Ashtanga Brighton refresh

  1. Louise 5th April 2008 at 5:38 pm #

    Love the new look – it’s really warm and bright! Hope your back’s feeling better – hang in there!

  2. gstar
    gstar 5th April 2008 at 7:15 pm #

    Hi Louise,

    Thanks for the feedback on the site. My back is feeling better today, but it’s been a hellish few weeks.

    No more backdrops, Kurmasana and Supta Kurmasana for me for a while. It’s been essential to change my practice to work around the injury.

    I’ve also been given a static asana to practice holding for 3 – 5 minutes outside of my usual practice, once in the evening and once at night. It’s basically a forward bend but with my back against the wall.

    It’s kinda tricky getting into because you have to stand about a foot away facing the wall, so you have to bend your knees and slide sideways into it. I’ve been told to focus on relaxing the shoulders and breathe into my back.

    It seems to be really helping, that and a nice 3 day rest over the weekend : )

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