Author Archive | David Huggett

Practice, practice, and then what?

Firstly, thank you, to Guy for such an interesting post which was thoughtful, well structured and certainly  made me stop and think about my practice. I was sat on a beach in Egypt, when I jotted down these thoughts and around 1630 I would return to my room, collect my mat and go out onto […]

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Welcome back Sarah

A big welcome back to Sarah, who is looking far too tanned, rested and healthy quite the opposite to how I am feeling. To have someone teaching every  day who knows your practice so intimately is a real privelige and  appreciated.  it is particularly interesting how teachers can differ in their approach but it us up […]

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Interpreting The Ashtanga Mantra

A few years ago I attended a workshop – by whom I can’t remember – and was given a copy of the following article. I had forgotten I had it until recently, when it fell out of one of my yoga books. I really connected to this interpretation of the opening mantra, so I thought […]

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Russel and Sally Case Brighton visit

Morning all, Please check out the dates for Rusty and Sally’s visit. They will be taking early morning class at the BNHC  the week leading up to xmas and a workshop beginning of Jan. Dates are in the BNHC book and I have put posters up in both BNHC and yogahaven. Try and come along […]

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Hamish practice London

I will be taking a few days hols in London on the 19th 20th and 21st of this month and will be going along to a drop in on the  20th and 21st.  If anyone else will be there on these days for a 700am start let me know. I will post my experience and let […]

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