Back to basics

As some of you know I’ve been going through a difficult time with a lower back injury over the last 6 weeks.

It’s been nagging me for a while but I’d chosen to ignore it until it got too painful! Not very clever, but I’m stubborn and need teaching. Sometimes pain is my best teacher.

I particularly want to thank: Sarah, Shari, Chris, Simon, Louise, Sally, Mary and Davy for your support. Without you guys I would have stopped practicing completely.

It’s the first time I’ve been forced to face my limitations in this way. It’s been a real opportunity to inventory my own attitude to my practice and experience the damage that ambition, competitiveness, impatience and grandiosity can cause.

With guidance, I’ve changed my practice to make it safer for my back and been rewarded by gradual improvements in mobility and lessening pain. I’ve had to surrender and let go of my ideas about my practice and what I think I should be doing and accept what actually happens in my body each time I get on the mat.

One Response to Back to basics

  1. gstar
    gstar 20th May 2008 at 9:38 pm #

    A new discovery this week thanks to my ex-girlfriend…

    Now that the pain has got my attention I’m being aware of exactly when I feel discomfort when I practice.
    Using this awareness I’ve found that I’m in some pain doing my upward dogs during the vinyasas.
    I’ve always had my head tilted back when doing this and it pinches my back unpleasantly.

    So I’ve rather sensibly started keeping my head more straight and it’s made quite a difference to how my back feels after my practice.

    Thanks Catherine.

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