Sharing the greatness of Saturn

Shani GrahaA couple of weeks ago I borrowed Svoboda’s The Greatness of Saturn from a friend. After reading the introduction I realised that the story is best shared. Svoboda writes: “Anyone who takes on a story takes on the responsibility of passing it on.” He also writes: “Some might call it chance that you selected this book to read; I believe instead that it selected you, that you and it were destined to meet.”

In the spirit of his words I’ve decided to do my bit to share the story of the Greatness of Saturn as a series of weekly blog posts. I’ve set aside the time and space to do this each week on Saturday morning – the traditional Ashtanga rest day. ‘Saturnday’ is also the day governed by Saturn so it seems a fitting day to begin.

A thereapeutice myth

The book’s sub-title is: “A therapeutic myth”. Svoboda’s introduction makes for a fascinating analysis of the fading position of myth in Western society. In order to fully experience the therapeutic benefits of the tale he invites us to create a sacred space in which to interact with the story. I invite you to do the same.

A space for Sadhana

  • Create a sacred space in your home where you will read the story, remove any distractions, turn off your phone etc…
  • Try and sit at the same time of day each time
  • Bathe before you sit, or at least wash your hands, face and feet
  • Light a candle or a lamp
  • Burn some agreeable incense
  • If fresh flowers are available – make an offering of one or more
  • When you sit down place a small amount of something sweet in front of you – this will absorb some of the vibrations as you read or listen – when you’ve finished reading consume this and it will help you further digest the story more deeply
  • Sound is important – even if you read silently try and pronounce the words and names as if you’re saying them out loud
  • Experience the fullness of the tale, enter into it and allow it to enter into you.

About Shani

To wet your appetite I thought I might share some interesting aspects of Saturn or Shani as he’s known. Shani is son of Surya (Sun God) and his wife Chhaya. He’s the elder brother of Yama the Hindu god of death.

When Shani first opened his eyes at birth the sun went into eclipse which shows Shani’s powerful influence in astrology. He’s known as the greatest teacher and well wisher for the righteous. He’s also known as the greatest punisher of those who follow the path of evil, betrayal and unjust deeds. He’s dark in colour and wears black. He holds a sword, arrows and two daggers and his mount is a crow.

I look forward to sharing the journey with you!

Here is the first post in the series: The Greatness of Saturn part 1


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