Reflexology and Aromatherapy

I am a practicing ashtanga yoga student of P Jois and I am looking for fellow yoga students to take part in my case studies.  I am also a Holistic Practioner (student of holistic therapy) and would like to offer treatments in both Reflexology and Aromatherapy the case studies will be submitted for examination and verification by the VCTC.  If you think you can commit to 6 treatment sessions of either one of the above therapy or both when you will receive two treatemnts per week over a three week period then I would like you to contact me.  I am practicing from now untill the end of April 2009.  My name is Kathryn and you can contact my mobile for a provisional conversation 07792098714.  I shall also be posting some more information about the positive effects of each therapy and what a yogi can expect from a series of 6 sessions.

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